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Dear friends, it has been a while since we have been able to share with you our experiences and knowledge of the anti-corruption fight worldwide, especially in our American continent. The events that have taken place in recent years have been truly stimulating to continue our Stop Corruption Worldwide effort. Brazil, Guatemala, El Salvador and other countries have been the protagonists of many events that have proved convincingly to the world that corruption does not have the opportunity to go unpunished. Thus we have seen different ex-presidents and ex-public figures who have gone to jail and others who are fugitives. Also in the process of investigation are many officials who came to use the town scavenging resources that should have had other more noble destinations and service to the population. We congratulate the people who have been able to stop the corruption and who honor our crusade: Stop Corruption Worldwide.

Estimados amigos, ha pasado un buen tiempo sin que hayamos podido compartir con ustedes nuestras experiencias y conocimientos de la lucha anti-corrupción a nivel mundial, especialmente en nuestro continente americano.
Los acontecimientos que se han dado en los últimos años han sido verdaderamente estimulantes para continuar en nuestro esfuerzo Stop Corruption Worldwide.
Brasil, Guatemala, El Salvador entre otros países, han sido protagonistas de múltiples sucesos que han demostrado fehacientemente al mundo que la corrupción no tiene oportunidad de quedar impune. Así hemos visto diferentes expresidentes y exfuncionarios que han ido a parar a la cárcel y otros que están fugitivos.
También en proceso de investigación se encuentran muchos funcionarios que llegaron a servirse del pueblo esquilmando recursos que deberían haber tenido otros destinos más nobles y de servicio a la población.
Felicitamos a los pueblos que han podido detener la corrupciòn y que le hacen honor a nuestra cruzada: Stop Corruption Worldwide.

Corruption is a considerable obstacle to economic and social development around the world. It has negative impacts on sustainable development and particularly affects poor communities.


For companies, corruption impedes business growth, escalates costs and poses serious legal and reputational risks. It also raises transaction costs, undermines fair competition, impedes long-term foreign and domestic investment, and distorts development priorities. Investors too understand that corruption can negatively impact value and pose financial, operational and reputational risks to their investments.

It is our interest to contribute to the international fight against corruption. Latin American countries have been living unfair stages of corruption imposed by their rulers. The attorney general of each country must know what is happening outside its borders and prosecutors should have access to information that can facilitate their work. On this site we will be receiving and publishing information from our agents worldwide, and of all persons who wish to join us in our struggle : stop corruption.


Considerando que hemos recibido una gran cantidad de solicitudes para que incluyamos el idioma español en nuestro sitio, decidimos usar también este idioma en nuestras publicaciones. Agradecemos las felicitaciones enviadas por nuestros usuarios, así como la importante información que hemos estado recibiendo. Siempre estaremos publicando la información que nuestros expertos consideren confiable y que pueda servir a las autoridades locales en el combate a la corrupción.


Después de la publicación realizada con respecto a El Salvador, los usuarios de ese país han reaccionado enviando más datos y guías de información que se irán sumando a todos los análisis que estamos trabajando para ser publicados.


¡Gracias por este apoyo recibido en el combate a la corrupción!


Considering we have received a lot of requests to include the Spanish language on our site, we decided to use this language in our publications. We thank the congratulations submitted by our users as well as the important information we have been receiving from them. We will be publishing the information that our experts consider reliable and can serve to the efforts that local authorities are making in combating corruption.


After the publication made with respect to El Salvador, that country users have reacted by sending more data and information guides that will be added to all the analysis we are working to be published.


Thanks for the support received in the fight against corruption!

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